Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Smittie r u out there Part 3

Dear Smittie,
Everything has fallen into place kind of at Terry.
  1. I have been able to not get wet so far in the rain.
  2. I have been able to take home my instrument from band. It is a oboe.
  3. I have made so many new friends and meet new teachers (they are not better than Thompson's teacher's though.) .
  4. I have been able to eat better at lunch. And more food!! :) :)

So that is how it's going at Terry. I'd like to invite you and your family to come out and watch me play on my new soccer team. I'm now playing for a competative league, my team's name is Juventus. If your interested please call me 972.415.4443 or my mom 972.816.3249.

I hope your having a good year at Thompson. I hope your new baby is doing well. Take care and I miss ya lots.


Olivia Galicia

Monday, August 30, 2010

Smittie show blog post below plz!! 2 everyone

Plz read the blog below and hope u have a great year!! :) Then could u plz blog back to me I have been waiting for a response ALL summer and ALL year pretty much. :) Bye C u later!!

My first week as a 6th grader.

Well.... it was pretty weird not getting up and leaving the house like usual as a Thompson Elementary student, I am now a 6th grader at Terry Middle School and it is pretty cool and all, but I miss Thompson, I can't stop thinking about the teachers and all my younger friend over there, and I miss every single person there. But I miss my teacher's and I want to thank them all for all they've done 4 me and my fellow 6th grade friends from Thompson Elementary. So 4 1, get all the people in someplace like the gym and show this I want to start with thanking my teacher's, Mrs. Burchett, Mrs. Whittington, Mrs. McDowell, Mrs. Pinkston and Mrs. Lee/Sanders, Mr. Smith. And the gym teacher's, Mrs. Cook, Mrs. Spain, and my girl scout leader/gym teacher, Mrs. Hernandez. The Lunch Ladies, Custodians, Principals, Librarian, Music Teacher, Art Teacher, and every single person at Thompson. Well gtg bye and I will c u all another day.

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

I made a select soccer team!!

Well hey everyone!! It is 0!ivi@!! Well lately i have been outside like almost everyday trying out for a select soccer team, well all that work has payed off, cause i tried out 4 like 3 teams and only one gave me a scholarship and that team was Juventus. (It's italian) (Ju-Ven-Tus) And I am playing defense for now. WOO-HOO!!

Friday, July 2, 2010

Hey Smittie? R U out there? Part 2

Dear Smittie,
I was wondering about that cd that we forgot to come back for. Is it done, if so will you respond and how can we meet up with you to pick up the cd. Plus please pleeaaaaaaaeeeeeeeeeeessssssssseeeeeeeee respond and tell me how is it going.
Olivia. :) :) Peace! Peace!

Monday, June 28, 2010

Hey Smittie? R U out there?

Dear Smittie,

Will u respond to this blog pleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeaaaaaaaaaaaaaassssssssssssseeeeeeee. Cuz I miss u and the whole class already. So please respond to this message. To show how much I miss u and the class, please look @ this pic below.